Friday, November 5, 2010

The Imminent, Cold, Canadian winter has got me itching to travel...

So stoked that my video application for Transat Holidays' Vacationer gig is almost done! It's been a really fun and inspiring process (and who knew it would take so long to put together a 2 minute video) and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to do this! It really got my creative juices flowing, and one of my favourite parts of prepping this video was sorting through all my travel pics and reliving all those memories. I'm not quite the scrapbooking type, so my photos are kinda all sitting in a folder withnames like "travelling pt 3 214.jpg" haha.

Plakias, Isle of Crete, Greece

Absolutely lovely little town on the southern coast of Crete w
ith a population of 139 (atleast that's what it was back in 2005). Just the quietest little getaway: you can easily spend your afternoons at incredible beaches sitting next to the perfect aqua blue that is the Mediterranean Sea, or get yourself lost hiking through the lush and plentiful mountains with hidden waterfalls. Oh, and the 3 Euro-for-1.5L of organic wine at the hostel didn't hurt either!

Barcelona, Spain

Even after a hellish overnight train ride, it only took me 10 minutes of walking in the city to completely revitalize my physical and mental well-being! Barcelona has held its place strongly as my favourite European city. The Gaudi architecture around town is just astounding, and the streets are always brimming with beautiful people and vibrant colours. Oh, how I miss thee...

Melbourne, Australia

Oz is a second home to me. I daydream about going there everyday. Melbourne just epitomizes everything I love about Australia. Beautiful, multicultural, and everything you can ever want to do/eat/see at your finger tips. It's got an amazing art scene, cool musos playing all over town, incredible shopping, and locals pack their cars with a beach kit...for after work. And my personal fave, the Great Ocean Road is just an 1.5 hours away. SURF!

I've got a big smile on my face just thinking about my travels. Transat Holidays, send me out there already!

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