Saturday, November 6, 2010

My video application!

After hours and hours of shooting and editing, here is my entry for the Vacationer job at Transat Holidays! It's been a lot of hard work, late nights, and youtubing other candidates' videos, but it was all worth it. This video was super fun to make and I just want to give a shout out to Transat Holidays for providing all of us dreamers/travellers/wanderlust-ers an opportunity to showcase ourselves like this!

Before I forget, I want to give a BIG MASSIVE shout out to Segway Ontario at the Distillery District. (check out their youtube channel) for teaching me how to use a Segway safely, and letting me goof around with it. I know this may be a bit of a tease...but I got quite a bit of footage while I had the Segway, so I may or may not be making a lil' video treat for ya in the near future...Excited?!?!

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